If you want other
people to treat you with kindness, respect and love, you must first show those
things to yourself.
This is something
that it took me a long time to learn. I
thought that if I was a nice person, giving to others, always putting myself
last like a "good girl" then other people would reciprocate by doing
the same things back to me.
Unfortunately, most
of the time I was wrong. I was often
taken advantage of, used, abused and generally treated like a doormat.
The truth is that
other people will usually treat you in the way that you teach them to, the way
that you model for them, by the way that you treat yourself. Put yourself last,
and more often than not, others will usually follow suit and put you last too.
Sometimes you really
have to blow your own trumpet and be your own biggest cheerleader or others are
unlikely to notice who you really are. I know that here in England, this is
something many of us really struggle with. It's not considered "polite"
to toot your own horn.
I see so many people
judging themselves and their self worth based on other people's treatment or
opinions of them, or worse the amount of praise they do or don't get.
Let me make one
thing perfectly clear.
Other people's
opinion of you are none of your business. And more to the point - they're just
opinions! They don't mean anything!
How you choose to
treat yourself sends a powerful message both to other people and to the
universe - which will reflect back whatever energy & thoughts you send out.
If you have thoughts
that say "I'm not worthy" or "I'll put myself last because I
don't matter" then that's the message you are sending to the universe, and
it will obediently align to confirm that for you and create more of the same.
Now don't get me
wrong, the universe doesn't hate you and it certainly isn't vindictive. It's
actually completely neutral, and it exists to serve you through the law of
attraction. It simply mirrors what you think & brings that about in your
life. That is all.
It's just as the
inimitable Mike Dooley teaches;
become things. Choose the good ones!"
The thoughts that
you send out on a daily or hourly basis
create your reality. I can't stress or
repeat this often enough.
So, if you want your
life to be different, then you not only have to do things you've never done
before, you need to think thoughts you've never had before as well.
We've all had a bad
day before now, you know the kind. You wake up on the wrong side of the bed,
stub your toe on your dresser, spill coffee down your shirt, get cut up in
traffic, arrive for work late, absolutely fuming, argue with a colleague and
the day goes from bad to worse!
But your day didn't
have to go that way. When you wake up, you can choose your attitude for the
day, choose your thoughts, choose to see the good in everything and create a happier reality.
When you stubbed
your toe on the dresser, you didn't have to get angry and send those frustrated
thoughts out to the universe.
All it did was to
send them back to you - hence the coffee down your shirt! Again, you could have
stopped the cycle there but you didn't. You got even more frustrated and
manifested the situation in your car and so on and so forth.
It's a bit of a slap
in the face when this is first pointed out, and I remember feeling pretty
stupid at the thought that everything that was happening to me was my own
"fault" per se.
"But it's not
my fault!" I protested.
And believe me I had
a hundred "logical" excuses to back that up too!
These days, I choose
to value myself, I'm much better at putting myself first and when I catch
myself having a negative or angry thought, I try not to dwell on it, and allow
myself to reframe it and move on to better more positive thoughts. I don't let
small things get to me like they used to. I choose not to get angry so often.
Yes, it is a choice, a habit. You can choose your thoughts. It takes a little practise, but it can be done.
You are the
architect of your life - nobody else is responsible for your happiness, just as
you're not responsible for anybody else's. And you couldn't force somebody else
to be happy if you tried.
You are a wonderful
person, a pure and perfect child of God. So start valuing yourself and set the
standard for others so they know how to treat you. The universe will respond in
kind by sending you better situations and people that match your new mindset,
and you can feel proud that you achieved that - not by chance, but by choice.
Because you chose to
value yourself.