As you may know,
yesterday was International Women's Day.
I was a little
surprised to say in the least when I saw the image emblazened on the Google
home page. It's not a day I've heard of before, and not one I celebrate as a
matter of course.
I have to admit, as
a modern western woman, I found the idea of a "women's day" a little
patronising. It got my back up rather.
The energy of the day felt all wrong to me.
I for one do not
consider myself a charity case because I'm a woman, or in need of a
"special day" and I have to admit that I felt the righteous
indignation rising in me when I found out about it.
I decided to
research the history of the day, and sure enough it was originally called
International Working Women's Day and had its origins in 1909 to support the very much oppressed women of the day, to help promote suffrage and
equal rights for women.
All well and good,
but is it still relevant in this day and age? Women aren't oppressed in my
country. We have equal rights and equal opportunities. Do I really still need a
"Day" to remember that we used to be 2nd class citizens, like a
hundred years ago?
I spoke to some of
my colleagues, to see how they felt about it, and opinions were divided.
Some felt is was a
wonderful opportunity to celebrate all things feminine, and enjoy a day of
"girl power" but funnily enough, others, like myself (and interestingly all the
men I spoke to) felt alienated, and saw it as rather patronising. The guys in
particular didn't like it, because they felt it implied that men were vilified as oppressors of women.
Another point made was ironically from an
equality point of view. There's no International Men's day, so why is there
still a Women's day?
Does this sort of
day still have a place in our modern world or is it just yet another outdated
relic from another era?
The flip side of the coin, is that the day is used to highlight the plight of women less fortunate than myself in other countries, who are still exploited, oppressed or abused because of gender inequality.
Whilst I'm aware that sadly this is still an issue in many parts of the world, I can't help but feel the energy behind the day in question is a negative one, and it's not one that resonates with me.
At the risk of being shot down in flames, I do feel it
could be modernised to encourage people to celebrate and promote equality rather than making men out to be the "bad guys" for a day.
How about a day that feels loving, includes everyone and encourages people to spread the love rather than dividing the genders once again, and putting people back into the old-fashioned camps of boys versus girls?
A more positive name like International
Equality Day gets my vote. How about you?
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