"You should
never fight your feelings ... " so the song by Embrace goes. And that's
absolutely right.
It never ceases to
amaze me the wisdom that comes out of seemingly vacuous pop songs.
We've all had a time
in our lives where we have feelings we wish we didn't have, anger, resentment,
even love for somebody who has betrayed or let us down. We wish we could just
switch them off and we fight them, trying to beat them into submission, and beat
ourselves up by the same measure.
Feelings are there
to be felt - your emotions are what you feel and there's nothing you can do
about it.
Feelings aren't bad,
they just tell you things about yourself. They remind us that we're alive, that
we are loving, caring people, or that we believe in something.
The best way to help
unwanted feelings to go is firstly to accept that you have them, then to allow yourself to feel them fully,
without judgement. Recognise them, let them come in, feel them fully - no
matter how painful, and I promise they will pass leaving you with a feeling of
I had to carry out
this very exercise this morning. I was feeling sorry for myself, and decided to
let myself feel it instead of berating myself for being a "weakling."
I had a good cry,
let it all out, and the feelings subsided leaving me more peaceful and able to
enjoy the rest of my day.
I've touched on this
in the past in my previous article Feeling Down? but I
felt this needed repeating again, because I'm seeing a lot of people going
through difficult times right now, and a little extra TLC is needed.
Mercury turned
retrograde on 6th November which always brings up challenging emotions and is a
time of introspection and looking at the past. That's never easy, and can be
turbulent for anyone.
So please, if you're
having a hard time, don't make it worse for yourself by trying to repress your
feelings. You can't fight them so don't try. Honour them for what they are, let
them out and let them go. They will pass eventually.
Feelings need to be felt.
Just remember one thing - you
don't have to act on them!
Giving ourselves permission to feel has so many health benefits.
ReplyDeleteie The fact that you had a good cry released organo-chlorines from your body...a build-up leads to all sorts of physical ailments. ;)
And it's easier to allow ourselves to feel the good stuff too when we open up to feeling.
Great stuff Helen.
Thank you Helen, a lovely and thought-provoking article. Marie